The 40th Sysmex Scientific Seminar

Web based Live-on Global Seminar



Diagnosis of Hematological disease and further advance

Time Contents Speaker
09:30 ~ 10:00 Registration
10:00 ~ 10:10 Opening address Hisashi IETSUGU
(President, Sysmex Corporation)
10:10 ~ 11:10 Frontline medical care for PNH
(Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria)
Professor Yuzuru KANAKURA (Osaka Univ. Graduate School of Medicine)
11:10 ~ 12:10 MPN (Myeloproliferative Neoplasms) in
the context of gene mutations
Professor Norio KOMATSU (Juntendo Univ. School of Medicine)
12:10 ~ 13:15 Lunch
13:15 ~ 14:15 Hematopoietic Tumor Professor Seishi OGAWA
(Kyoto Univ. School of Medicine)
14:15 ~ 14:25 Break
14:25 ~ 15:25 Anti-thrombin resistance:
A new inherited thrombophilia
Professor Tetsuhito KOJIMA,
(Nagoya Univ. Graduate School of Medicine)
15:25 ~ 15:40 Break
15:40 ~ 16:40 Progress and prospects of hemophilia
Professor Midori SHIMA
(Nara Medical Univ.)


서울강남구테헤란로203 서울인터내셔널타워3층

지하철 이용 시

출구 2호선 역삼역 8번 출구
도보 2호선 역삼역 8번출구로 나와 선릉역 방향으로 약 50m 이동후 좌측 서울인터내셔널타워 3층

차량 이용 시

주차 서울인터내셔널타워 주차장 이용